Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No posts in a while

apathy bird 021
Originally uploaded by mycatisfat
So I haven't posted in a while, but I have a good reason. I've been darn busy!

There has been a lot of sewing going on over here. I made lots of these Apathy Bird pouches, so there should be plenty for everyone. I also upgraded some pouches that I'd already made. They are being listed now, too.

I've also been taking care of family things and preparing for a trip this week. I'll be gone most of next week, so any orders placed after thisThursday will be mailed next Friday.

We applied to the Show Pony Show that will be going down next month. We'll know in a could of days if we were accepted. I'll make another post about it then.

1 comment:

bunzi said...

cute pouches. :D