Sunday, August 10, 2008
Originally uploaded by mycatisfat
I like buying zines and comics from etsy sellers because they are usually affordable and extremely clever. Missy from exceeded my expectations on all counts with the four books I purchased from her.

The titles I got were "Cloud Picnic," "Super Paws," "A Ape," and "Kneehigh: Cats I Know." All four are charming, amusing and appropriate for people of any age. This is what most impressed me about her work. It is suitable for children but she didn't write these with children in mind. So often it seems that children's books end up pandering and talking down to their audience. Not so with Missy's work.

"A Ape" in particular captured the attention of my son because of the a/an article confusion. I won't spoil it for you, but it can easily be used as a learning tool for early readers.

"Cloud Picnic" could also be used to help early readers because it has no words. Children can exercise their imaginations and create a story to accompany the illustrations.

"Super Paws" and "Cats I Know" may be more interesting to cat owners because their stories are so true. People who know and love cats will recognize the characters and actions in the stories.

I recommend Missy's work to anyone and everyone. I know I will be back for more.